Location: Plano, Texas, United States

I am 32 years of age. I am striving to serve God in all that I do. I also like to read my Bible, biblical/ theological literature, and the comics in the newspaper.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

There's A Stirring Deep With In Me!

Greetings one and all! I pray everyone is having a blessed day. Lord-willing my parents and Jim Corner are in Paris. In a little while, they will be flying over the Atlantic Ocean. Lord-willing they will all return to DFW airport a little after 3pm on Wenesday. Thank you all for praying for them while they were away.
I love the song There's a Stirring Deep With In Me! It's by far my favorite worship song. It reminds me God has something for me to do and it really pumps me up to get about doing it.
There's a stirring deep with in me!
Could it be my time has come?
When I see my precious Savior face to face when all is done.
Is that His voice I am hearing,
"Come away My precious one?"
Is He calling me? Is He calling me?
I will rise up! I rise up,
Then I'll bow down.
And lay my crown.
At His precious wounded feet!
There's a stirring deep with in me!
It makes me think about the AIM students. Please be praying for them, those on their mission fields and those in Lubbock preparing for their mission fields. And for Sunset students who are finishing up their studies and preparing to leave for their mission fields. It is a mighty thing they are preparing to do, engaging themselves in God's mission in the world. Some of them will stay in the US and some will go across the globe.
Thankfully God has brought (spelling error?) a lot of the world to us. The Great Commission (in Matthew 28) says, "Therefor go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, teaching them all things I have commanded you, and lo I will be with you until the end of the age". The word here translated "nations" in the Greek is ethne, meaning people groups. God has brought a lot of people to the US. We can teach them here in this country, and maybe they will back to their countries and tell their families and friends about the gospel. For more about this please read The Master's Plan For Making Disciples by Charles Arn. A facinating book! Well, this is a lot longer then I intended. Sorry for the e-book this has turned into. Thank you all for reading. God bless you all in Jesus' name!


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